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What worked (and what didn’t) in 2024

The northern lights from our backyard in October!
The northern lights from our backyard in October!

Just like that, it's the end of the year already. I don't know about you, but I feel like 2024 absolutely flew by. I had a few more blog posts I had planned for this fall, but client work got in the way (as it should!) so those will have to wait until next year. But I couldn't let this year come to a close without one more blog post. Following what I did last year, here is my what worked (and what didn't work) list for 2024. I got this idea from author and podcaster Emily P. Freeman (who got it from someone else), but I love reading lists like these. I think they have a lot they can teach us as we look back and reflect. 

What worked in 2024

Continuing to use Trello for project management

I know this was included in last year's post, but I had to include it again because I don't know where I'd be without Trello. I use the free version and have a board for client work and a board for my own weekly tasks as well as resources I want to save. I finally nailed down my system this year where I mark the status of each project so I know where everything is at. Seriously, if I wasn’t using a type of project management tool like Trello, I'd have so many things fall through the cracks.

Using Calendly (most of the time) Calendly was a tool I started using last year, but I definitely made more use of it this year for scheduling calls. I find it really handy to send a link and let someone choose a type rather than going back and forth via email on dates and times that would work. However, there were one or two times where the links to the call didn't work or the time got messed up, so it wasn't perfect. I'm definitely open to using a different scheduling tool in the future.

Taking a vacation In August, I was able to fully disconnect for a little over a week to take a vacation. (The only other "real" time I took off work this year was 3 days for wrist surgery…super fun.) But a vacation was long overdue. I've struggled in the past to take time off when being self-employed, so I was proud of myself for doing this. There's such a difference between loosely taking time off while still being technically available and fully taking time off to not worry about anything work related. I'm already planning a few of these trips for the new year.

Taking on a variety of work From editing books to writing social media posts and web pages, I've really enjoyed taking on a variety of projects this year for a variety of different clients. I think variety and the opportunities for new things is one reason why freelancing has been a good fit for me, and it encourages me to want to learn and grow.

What didn’t work in 2024

Having another job alongside freelancing I briefly tried working very part time in addition to freelancing earlier this year. But because the job was similar to what I do as a freelancer (but also was taking a lot of outside time when it came to communication) it was not working for me. I quickly felt like I never had a break and constantly needed to be available, whether it was for this job or my freelance clients. That's not to say I won't try another side job in the future—but this didn't work for me this year. 

Design work for clients I'm not a designer, but I've always enjoyed dabbling in design. For awhile, I thought maybe eventually I'd take some design classes and start offering it as a service. However, I had a revelation this year: I HATE designing for work. Especially if I'm doing it alongside writing. It drains my creative energy too fast. I enjoy doing some simple Canva designs for my own branding here and there, but when I've done this for clients, it's quickly become something I dread. It makes me sad to admit that, but it also feels freeing that I recognize I don't have to do everything for work. And who knows—just like with the side job, this isn't to say I won’t ever dive into design again for clients. But right now, I'm keeping this as a hobby. No pressure attached. 

My paper planner I forgot this was also on my "did not work" list from last year until I looked back at it again just now, so that's kind of funny. I always feel so bad throwing away paper planners at the end of the year that I only used for a few months, but paper planners have not been my friend these last two years. However, I did find a new one to start using in 2025. It's undated, so if I skip a month here and there, I can easily jump back into it. We'll see how it goes. If this one doesn't work, it may be time to officially abandon these! 

Creative writing

I did a bit of poetry and short story writing this year, but creative writing ultimately took a backseat. And I think that's okay. There were so many other projects I was busy working on, but I do hope to get back into creative writing in 2025, however that ends up looking. I'd love to finally develop a consistent routine with it, so we'll see if I'm able to figure that out this year!

Overall, 2024 was a pretty good year! I learned and grew a lot when it came to freelancing, writing, and so many other things. I'm grateful for all the opportunities that came my way, and I look forward to all that 2025 has in store!


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